In the presidential survey, Alicja Chybicka leads slightly ahead of Mirosław Stachowiak-Różecka.The support of Kazimierz Ujazdowski is on the level of 15%, while Jacek Sutryk obtained 12% share of votes.

The electorate is distributed among several candidates.The difference between the third and the first position is only 5 percentage points.

Few months after announced resignation from the start in the municipal elections by the popular president Rafał Dutkiewicz, there is no clear leader in polls (such as, for example, Jacek Majchrowski in Krakow). The quiet support of President Jacek Dutkiewicz gives Jacek Sutryk 12% which shows that (yet?) Sutryk hasn't convinced the electorate of the retiring president.
The level of support of Kazimierz Ujazdowski at the level of 15% shows that new candidates still have a chance to join the competition. Among the undecided are young voters who back right-wing parties (e.g. Kukiz'15, Wolność).

A study conducted by the research agency PAULAT. Poll conducted on 1 - 6 December 2017. Quantitative research carried out with the electoral inhabitants of Wrocław (people who intend to vote in the next election in Wroclaw).
Quantitative research carried out using hybrid methodology - CATI telephone interviews (50%) and CAWI online interviews (50%). Representative sample of Wrocław residents due to their age, sex, place of residence (housing estate)
Sample size n = 750
The names of candidates were examined along with political affiliations. The way in which the names are presented in the survey: Mirosława Stachowiak-Różecka, (United Right, PiS) Kazimierz Ujazdowski (Independent) Alicja Chybicka (Civic Committee, PO) Jerzy Michalak (Lower Silesian Local Government Movement) Jacek Sutryk (Independent, support of Rafał Dutkiewicz) Michał Jaros (.Nowoczesna).
